Throughput Issues

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Throughput Issues

Post by nick.thompson » Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:42 am

I'm hoping someone on here can help me with my issue. I have Softether VPN server setup with SecureNAT enabled and my transfer speeds are in the KB range. I've been looking through a multitude of articles trying different scenarios to attempt to speed up the transfer rates with no luck. The server is a Proxmox hosted Ubuntu VM. The ISP speeds are 1G up/down. Below are the server and client configurations.

Server Config:

Code: Select all

# Software Configuration File
# ---------------------------
# You may edit this file when the VPN Server / Client / Bridge program is not running.
# In prior to edit this file manually by your text editor,
# shutdown the VPN Server / Client / Bridge background service.
# Otherwise, all changes will be lost.
declare root
	uint ConfigRevision 631
	bool IPsecMessageDisplayed true
	string Region US
	bool VgsMessageDisplayed false

	declare DDnsClient
		bool Disabled false
		byte Key ***
		string LocalHostname vpn-router
		string ProxyHostName $
		uint ProxyPort 0
		uint ProxyType 0
		string ProxyUsername $
	declare IPsec
		bool EtherIP_IPsec false
		string IPsec_Secret ***
		string L2TP_DefaultHub VPN
		bool L2TP_IPsec true
		bool L2TP_Raw false

		declare EtherIP_IDSettingsList
	declare ListenerList
		declare Listener0
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled false
			uint Port 443
		declare Listener1
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled false
			uint Port 992
		declare Listener2
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 1194
		declare Listener3
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 1195
		declare Listener4
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 5555
	declare LocalBridgeList
		bool DoNotDisableOffloading false

		declare LocalBridge0
			string DeviceName ens37
			string HubName ALC-LG
			bool LimitBroadcast false
			bool MonitorMode false
			bool NoPromiscuousMode false
			bool TapMode false
	declare ServerConfiguration
		bool AcceptOnlyTls true
		uint64 AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin 104857600
		uint AutoDeleteCheckIntervalSecs 300
		uint AutoSaveConfigSpan 300
		bool BackupConfigOnlyWhenModified true
		string CipherName RC4-MD5
		uint CurrentBuild 9787
		bool DisableCoreDumpOnUnix false
		bool DisableDeadLockCheck false
		bool DisableDosProction false
		bool DisableGetHostNameWhenAcceptTcp false
		bool DisableIntelAesAcceleration false
		bool DisableIPsecAggressiveMode false
		bool DisableIPv6Listener false
		bool DisableJsonRpcWebApi false
		bool DisableNatTraversal false
		bool DisableOpenVPNServer false
		bool DisableSessionReconnect false
		bool DisableSSTPServer false
		bool DontBackupConfig false
		bool EnableVpnAzure false
		bool EnableVpnOverDns false
		bool EnableVpnOverIcmp false
		byte HashedPassword ***
		string KeepConnectHost
		uint KeepConnectInterval 50
		uint KeepConnectPort 80
		uint KeepConnectProtocol 1
		uint64 LoggerMaxLogSize 1073741823
		uint MaxConcurrentDnsClientThreads 512
		uint MaxConnectionsPerIP 256
		uint MaxUnestablishedConnections 1000
		bool NoHighPriorityProcess false
		bool NoLinuxArpFilter false
		bool NoSendSignature false
		string OpenVPNDefaultClientOption dev-type$20tun,link-mtu$201500,tun-mtu$201500,cipher$20AES-128-CBC,auth$20SHA1,keysize$20128,key-method$202,tls-client
		string OpenVPN_UdpPortList 1194
		bool SaveDebugLog false
		byte ServerCert ***
		byte ServerKey ***
		uint ServerLogSwitchType 4
		uint ServerType 0
		bool StrictSyslogDatetimeFormat false
		bool Tls_Disable1_0 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_1 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_2 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_3 false
		bool UseKeepConnect true
		bool UseWebTimePage false
		bool UseWebUI false

		declare GlobalParams
			uint FIFO_BUDGET 10240000
			uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 60000
			uint MAC_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 600000
			uint MAX_HUB_LINKS 1024
			uint MAX_IP_TABLES 65536
			uint MAX_MAC_TABLES 65536
			uint QUEUE_BUDGET 2048
			uint SELECT_TIME 256
			uint STORM_CHECK_SPAN 500
		declare ServerTraffic
			declare RecvTraffic
				uint64 BroadcastBytes 79616790191
				uint64 BroadcastCount 624975147
				uint64 UnicastBytes 17759231497203
				uint64 UnicastCount 23142468753
			declare SendTraffic
				uint64 BroadcastBytes 41082304982
				uint64 BroadcastCount 381823065
				uint64 UnicastBytes 596005192975
				uint64 UnicastCount 4041001991
		declare SyslogSettings
			string HostName $
			uint Port 0
			uint SaveType 0
	declare VirtualHUB
		declare ALC$20Macon
			uint64 CreatedTime 1662971523301
			byte HashedPassword ***
			uint64 LastCommTime 1662971523268
			uint64 LastLoginTime 1662971523268
			uint NumLogin 0
			bool Online false
			bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
			string RadiusRealm $
			uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
			uint RadiusServerPort 1812
			string RadiusSuffixFilter $
			bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
			byte SecurePassword ***
			uint Type 0

			declare AccessList
			declare AdminOption
				uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
				uint deny_bridge 0
				uint deny_change_user_password 0
				uint deny_empty_password 0
				uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
				uint deny_qos 0
				uint deny_routing 0
				uint max_accesslists 0
				uint max_bitrates_download 0
				uint max_bitrates_upload 0
				uint max_groups 0
				uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
				uint max_sessions 0
				uint max_sessions_bridge 0
				uint max_sessions_client 0
				uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
				uint max_users 0
				uint no_access_list_include_file 0
				uint no_cascade 0
				uint no_change_access_control_list 0
				uint no_change_access_list 0
				uint no_change_admin_password 0
				uint no_change_cert_list 0
				uint no_change_crl_list 0
				uint no_change_groups 0
				uint no_change_log_config 0
				uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
				uint no_change_msg 0
				uint no_change_users 0
				uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
				uint no_delete_iptable 0
				uint no_delete_mactable 0
				uint no_disconnect_session 0
				uint no_enum_session 0
				uint no_offline 0
				uint no_online 0
				uint no_query_session 0
				uint no_read_log_file 0
				uint no_securenat 0
				uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
				uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
			declare CascadeList
			declare LogSetting
				uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
				uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
				uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
				bool SavePacketLog true
				bool SaveSecurityLog true
				uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
			declare Message
			declare Option
				uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
				uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
				bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
				bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
				bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
				uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 0
				uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
				bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
				uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
				bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
				bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
				bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
				bool DisableHttpParsing false
				bool DisableIPParsing false
				bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
				bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
				bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
				bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
				bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool FilterBPDU false
				bool FilterIPv4 false
				bool FilterIPv6 false
				bool FilterNonIP false
				bool FilterOSPF false
				bool FilterPPPoE false
				uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
				bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
				bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
				uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
				uint MaxSession 0
				bool NoArpPolling false
				bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
				bool NoEnum false
				bool NoIpTable false
				bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
				bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
				bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
				bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
				bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
				bool NoMacAddressLog true
				bool NoManageVlanId false
				bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
				bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
				bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
				uint RequiredClientId 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
				bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
				bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
				bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
				bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
				string VlanTypeId 0x8100
				bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
			declare SecureNAT
				bool Disabled true
				bool SaveLog true

				declare VirtualDhcpServer
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
					string DhcpDomainName $
					bool DhcpEnabled true
					uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
					string DhcpGatewayAddress
					string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
					string DhcpLeaseIPStart
					string DhcpPushRoutes $
					string DhcpSubnetMask
				declare VirtualHost
					string VirtualHostIp
					string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
					string VirtualHostMacAddress 5E-6E-A8-F8-28-DD
				declare VirtualRouter
					bool NatEnabled true
					uint NatMtu 1500
					uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
					uint NatUdpTimeout 60
			declare SecurityAccountDatabase
				declare CertList
				declare CrlList
				declare GroupList
				declare IPAccessControlList
				declare UserList
			declare Traffic
				declare RecvTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 0
					uint64 BroadcastCount 0
					uint64 UnicastBytes 0
					uint64 UnicastCount 0
				declare SendTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 0
					uint64 BroadcastCount 0
					uint64 UnicastBytes 0
					uint64 UnicastCount 0
		declare ALC-LG
			uint64 CreatedTime 1644404036068
			byte HashedPassword ***
			uint64 LastCommTime 1695630673622
			uint64 LastLoginTime 1644404036066
			uint NumLogin 0
			bool Online true
			bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
			string RadiusRealm $
			uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
			uint RadiusServerPort 1812
			string RadiusSuffixFilter $
			bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
			byte SecurePassword ***
			uint Type 0

			declare AccessList
				declare 1
					bool Active true
					bool CheckDstMac false
					bool CheckSrcMac false
					bool CheckTcpState false
					uint Delay 0
					string DestIpAddress
					uint DestPortEnd 0
					uint DestPortStart 0
					string DestSubnetMask
					string DestUsername $
					bool Discard false
					bool Established false
					bool IsIPv6 false
					uint Jitter 0
					uint Loss 0
					string Note ***
					uint Priority 1000
					uint Protocol 0
					string RedirectUrl $
					string SrcIpAddress
					uint SrcPortEnd 0
					uint SrcPortStart 0
					string SrcSubnetMask
					string SrcUsername $
				declare 2
					bool Active true
					bool CheckDstMac false
					bool CheckSrcMac false
					bool CheckTcpState false
					uint Delay 0
					string DestIpAddress
					uint DestPortEnd 0
					uint DestPortStart 0
					string DestSubnetMask
					string DestUsername $
					bool Discard false
					bool Established false
					bool IsIPv6 false
					uint Jitter 0
					uint Loss 0
					string Note ***
					uint Priority 1001
					uint Protocol 0
					string RedirectUrl $
					string SrcIpAddress
					uint SrcPortEnd 0
					uint SrcPortStart 0
					string SrcSubnetMask
					string SrcUsername $
				declare 3
					bool Active true
					bool CheckDstMac false
					bool CheckSrcMac false
					bool CheckTcpState false
					uint Delay 0
					string DestIpAddress
					uint DestPortEnd 0
					uint DestPortStart 0
					string DestSubnetMask
					string DestUsername $
					bool Discard false
					bool Established false
					bool IsIPv6 false
					uint Jitter 0
					uint Loss 0
					string Note ***
					uint Priority 1002
					uint Protocol 0
					string RedirectUrl $
					string SrcIpAddress
					uint SrcPortEnd 0
					uint SrcPortStart 0
					string SrcSubnetMask
					string SrcUsername $
				declare 4
					bool Active true
					bool CheckDstMac false
					bool CheckSrcMac false
					bool CheckTcpState false
					uint Delay 0
					string DestIpAddress
					uint DestPortEnd 0
					uint DestPortStart 0
					string DestSubnetMask
					string DestUsername $
					bool Discard false
					bool Established false
					bool IsIPv6 false
					uint Jitter 0
					uint Loss 0
					string Note ***
					uint Priority 1003
					uint Protocol 0
					string RedirectUrl $
					string SrcIpAddress
					uint SrcPortEnd 0
					uint SrcPortStart 0
					string SrcSubnetMask
					string SrcUsername $
				declare 5
					bool Active true
					bool CheckDstMac false
					bool CheckSrcMac false
					bool CheckTcpState false
					uint Delay 0
					string DestIpAddress
					uint DestPortEnd 0
					uint DestPortStart 0
					string DestSubnetMask
					string DestUsername $
					bool Discard true
					bool Established false
					bool IsIPv6 false
					uint Jitter 0
					uint Loss 0
					string Note Deny$20ALL
					uint Priority 1300
					uint Protocol 0
					string RedirectUrl $
					string SrcIpAddress
					uint SrcPortEnd 0
					uint SrcPortStart 0
					string SrcSubnetMask
					string SrcUsername $
			declare AdminOption
				uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
				uint deny_bridge 0
				uint deny_change_user_password 0
				uint deny_empty_password 0
				uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
				uint deny_qos 0
				uint deny_routing 0
				uint max_accesslists 0
				uint max_bitrates_download 0
				uint max_bitrates_upload 0
				uint max_groups 0
				uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
				uint max_sessions 0
				uint max_sessions_bridge 0
				uint max_sessions_client 0
				uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
				uint max_users 0
				uint no_access_list_include_file 0
				uint no_cascade 0
				uint no_change_access_control_list 0
				uint no_change_access_list 0
				uint no_change_admin_password 0
				uint no_change_cert_list 0
				uint no_change_crl_list 0
				uint no_change_groups 0
				uint no_change_log_config 0
				uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
				uint no_change_msg 0
				uint no_change_users 0
				uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
				uint no_delete_iptable 0
				uint no_delete_mactable 0
				uint no_disconnect_session 0
				uint no_enum_session 0
				uint no_offline 0
				uint no_online 0
				uint no_query_session 0
				uint no_read_log_file 0
				uint no_securenat 0
				uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
				uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
			declare CascadeList
				declare Cascade0
					bool CheckServerCert false
					bool Online true

					declare ClientAuth
						uint AuthType 3
						byte ClientCert ***
						byte ClientKey ***
						string Username ***
					declare ClientOption
						string AccountName ***
						uint AdditionalConnectionInterval 5
						uint ConnectionDisconnectSpan 0
						string DeviceName _SEHUBLINKCLI_
						bool DisableQoS false
						bool HalfConnection false
						bool HideNicInfoWindow false
						bool HideStatusWindow false
						string Hostname ***
						string HubName ***
						uint MaxConnection 8
						bool NoRoutingTracking true
						bool NoTls1 false
						bool NoUdpAcceleration false
						uint NumRetry 4294967295
						uint Port 5555
						uint PortUDP 0
						string ProxyName $
						byte ProxyPassword $
						uint ProxyPort 0
						uint ProxyType 0
						string ProxyUsername $
						bool RequireBridgeRoutingMode true
						bool RequireMonitorMode false
						uint RetryInterval 10
						bool UseCompress false
						bool UseEncrypt true
					declare Policy
						bool ArpDhcpOnly false
						bool CheckIP false
						bool CheckIPv6 false
						bool CheckMac false
						bool DHCPFilter false
						bool DHCPForce false
						bool DHCPNoServer false
						bool DHCPv6Filter false
						bool DHCPv6NoServer false
						bool FilterIPv4 false
						bool FilterIPv6 false
						bool FilterNonIP false
						uint MaxDownload 0
						uint MaxIP 0
						uint MaxIPv6 0
						uint MaxMac 0
						uint MaxUpload 0
						bool NoBroadcastLimiter false
						bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRA false
						bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 false
						bool NoServer false
						bool NoServerV6 false
						bool RAFilter false
						bool RSandRAFilter false
						uint VLanId 0
			declare LogSetting
				uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
				uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
				uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
				bool SavePacketLog false
				bool SaveSecurityLog true
				uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
			declare Message
			declare Option
				uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
				uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
				bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
				bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
				bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
				uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 64
				uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
				bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
				uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
				bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
				bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
				bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
				bool DisableHttpParsing false
				bool DisableIPParsing false
				bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
				bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
				bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
				bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
				bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool FilterBPDU false
				bool FilterIPv4 false
				bool FilterIPv6 false
				bool FilterNonIP false
				bool FilterOSPF false
				bool FilterPPPoE false
				uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
				bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
				bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
				uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
				uint MaxSession 0
				bool NoArpPolling false
				bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
				bool NoEnum false
				bool NoIpTable false
				bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
				bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
				bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
				bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
				bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
				bool NoMacAddressLog true
				bool NoManageVlanId false
				bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
				bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
				bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
				uint RequiredClientId 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
				bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
				bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
				bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
				bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
				string VlanTypeId 0x8100
				bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
			declare SecureNAT
				bool Disabled true
				bool SaveLog true

				declare VirtualDhcpServer
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
					string DhcpDomainName $
					bool DhcpEnabled true
					uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
					string DhcpGatewayAddress
					string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
					string DhcpLeaseIPStart
					string DhcpPushRoutes $
					string DhcpSubnetMask
				declare VirtualHost
					string VirtualHostIp
					string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
					string VirtualHostMacAddress 5E-CB-D9-73-C4-0C
				declare VirtualRouter
					bool NatEnabled true
					uint NatMtu 1500
					uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
					uint NatUdpTimeout 60
			declare SecurityAccountDatabase
				declare CertList
				declare CrlList
				declare GroupList
				declare IPAccessControlList
				declare UserList
			declare Traffic
				declare RecvTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 70679764874
					uint64 BroadcastCount 534694673
					uint64 UnicastBytes 17357891932321
					uint64 UnicastCount 22505932090
				declare SendTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 39217851912
					uint64 BroadcastCount 358109663
					uint64 UnicastBytes 251565590077
					uint64 UnicastCount 3461798879
		declare DEFAULT
			uint64 CreatedTime 1492578348827
			byte HashedPassword ***
			uint64 LastCommTime 1644404671214
			uint64 LastLoginTime 1644231525733
			uint NumLogin 1
			bool Online true
			bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
			string RadiusRealm $
			uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
			uint RadiusServerPort 1812
			string RadiusSuffixFilter $
			bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
			byte SecurePassword ***
			uint Type 0

			declare AccessList
			declare AdminOption
				uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
				uint deny_bridge 0
				uint deny_change_user_password 0
				uint deny_empty_password 0
				uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
				uint deny_qos 0
				uint deny_routing 0
				uint max_accesslists 0
				uint max_bitrates_download 0
				uint max_bitrates_upload 0
				uint max_groups 0
				uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
				uint max_sessions 0
				uint max_sessions_bridge 0
				uint max_sessions_client 0
				uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
				uint max_users 0
				uint no_access_list_include_file 0
				uint no_cascade 0
				uint no_change_access_control_list 0
				uint no_change_access_list 0
				uint no_change_admin_password 0
				uint no_change_cert_list 0
				uint no_change_crl_list 0
				uint no_change_groups 0
				uint no_change_log_config 0
				uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
				uint no_change_msg 0
				uint no_change_users 0
				uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
				uint no_delete_iptable 0
				uint no_delete_mactable 0
				uint no_disconnect_session 0
				uint no_enum_session 0
				uint no_offline 0
				uint no_online 0
				uint no_query_session 0
				uint no_read_log_file 0
				uint no_securenat 0
				uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
				uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
			declare CascadeList
			declare LogSetting
				uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
				uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
				uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
				bool SavePacketLog true
				bool SaveSecurityLog true
				uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
			declare Message
			declare Option
				uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
				uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
				bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
				bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
				bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
				uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 0
				uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
				bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
				uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
				bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
				bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
				bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
				bool DisableHttpParsing false
				bool DisableIPParsing false
				bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
				bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
				bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
				bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
				bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool FilterBPDU false
				bool FilterIPv4 false
				bool FilterIPv6 false
				bool FilterNonIP false
				bool FilterOSPF false
				bool FilterPPPoE false
				uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
				bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
				bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
				uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
				uint MaxSession 0
				bool NoArpPolling false
				bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
				bool NoEnum false
				bool NoIpTable false
				bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
				bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
				bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
				bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
				bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
				bool NoMacAddressLog true
				bool NoManageVlanId false
				bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
				bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
				bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
				uint RequiredClientId 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
				bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
				bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
				bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
				bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
				string VlanTypeId 0x8100
				bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
			declare SecureNAT
				bool Disabled true
				bool SaveLog true

				declare VirtualDhcpServer
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
					string DhcpDomainName $
					bool DhcpEnabled true
					uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
					string DhcpGatewayAddress
					string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
					string DhcpLeaseIPStart
					string DhcpPushRoutes $
					string DhcpSubnetMask
				declare VirtualHost
					string VirtualHostIp
					string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
					string VirtualHostMacAddress 00-AC-A3-59-E5-BA
				declare VirtualRouter
					bool NatEnabled true
					uint NatMtu 1500
					uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
					uint NatUdpTimeout 60
			declare SecurityAccountDatabase
				declare CertList
				declare CrlList
				declare GroupList
				declare IPAccessControlList
				declare UserList
			declare Traffic
				declare RecvTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 29101445
					uint64 BroadcastCount 268637
					uint64 UnicastBytes 23863831147
					uint64 UnicastCount 28863619
				declare SendTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 57412177
					uint64 BroadcastCount 530372
					uint64 UnicastBytes 120779444
					uint64 UnicastCount 1907891
		declare VPN
			uint64 CreatedTime 1493127084146
			byte HashedPassword ***
			uint64 LastCommTime 1695630671461
			uint64 LastLoginTime 1695608046491
			uint NumLogin 2580
			bool Online true
			bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
			string RadiusRealm $
			uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
			uint RadiusServerPort 1812
			string RadiusSuffixFilter $
			bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
			byte SecurePassword ***
			uint Type 0

			declare AccessList
			declare AdminOption
				uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
				uint deny_bridge 0
				uint deny_change_user_password 0
				uint deny_empty_password 0
				uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
				uint deny_qos 0
				uint deny_routing 0
				uint max_accesslists 0
				uint max_bitrates_download 0
				uint max_bitrates_upload 0
				uint max_groups 0
				uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
				uint max_sessions 0
				uint max_sessions_bridge 0
				uint max_sessions_client 0
				uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
				uint max_users 0
				uint no_access_list_include_file 0
				uint no_cascade 0
				uint no_change_access_control_list 0
				uint no_change_access_list 0
				uint no_change_admin_password 0
				uint no_change_cert_list 0
				uint no_change_crl_list 0
				uint no_change_groups 0
				uint no_change_log_config 0
				uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
				uint no_change_msg 0
				uint no_change_users 0
				uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
				uint no_delete_iptable 0
				uint no_delete_mactable 0
				uint no_disconnect_session 0
				uint no_enum_session 0
				uint no_offline 0
				uint no_online 0
				uint no_query_session 0
				uint no_read_log_file 0
				uint no_securenat 0
				uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
				uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
			declare CascadeList
			declare LogSetting
				uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
				uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
				uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
				bool SavePacketLog false
				bool SaveSecurityLog true
				uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
			declare Message
			declare Option
				uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
				uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
				bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
				bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
				bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
				uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 64
				uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
				bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
				uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
				bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
				bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
				bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
				bool DisableHttpParsing false
				bool DisableIPParsing false
				bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
				bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
				bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
				bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
				bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool FilterBPDU false
				bool FilterIPv4 false
				bool FilterIPv6 false
				bool FilterNonIP false
				bool FilterOSPF false
				bool FilterPPPoE false
				uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
				bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
				bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
				uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
				uint MaxSession 0
				bool NoArpPolling false
				bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
				bool NoEnum false
				bool NoIpTable false
				bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
				bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
				bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
				bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
				bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
				bool NoMacAddressLog true
				bool NoManageVlanId false
				bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
				bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
				bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
				uint RequiredClientId 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
				bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
				bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
				bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
				bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
				string VlanTypeId 0x8100
				bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
			declare SecureNAT
				bool Disabled false
				bool SaveLog true

				declare VirtualDhcpServer
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
					string DhcpDomainName home.local
					bool DhcpEnabled true
					uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
					string DhcpGatewayAddress
					string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
					string DhcpLeaseIPStart
					string DhcpPushRoutes
					string DhcpSubnetMask
				declare VirtualHost
					string VirtualHostIp
					string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
					string VirtualHostMacAddress 00-AC-55-14-5D-29
				declare VirtualRouter
					bool NatEnabled true
					uint NatMtu 1500
					uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
					uint NatUdpTimeout 60
			declare SecurityAccountDatabase
				declare CertList
				declare CrlList
				declare GroupList
				declare IPAccessControlList
				declare UserList
					declare nick
						byte AuthNtLmSecureHash ***
						byte AuthPassword ***
						uint AuthType 1
						uint64 CreatedTime 1493127144385
						uint64 ExpireTime 0
						uint64 LastLoginTime 1695608046491
						string Note Admin
						uint NumLogin 2580
						string RealName ***
						uint64 UpdatedTime 1583149736421

						declare Traffic
							declare RecvTraffic
								uint64 BroadcastBytes 815971919
								uint64 BroadcastCount 13323830
								uint64 UnicastBytes 294427980809
								uint64 UnicastCount 321857949
							declare SendTraffic
								uint64 BroadcastBytes 615885247
								uint64 BroadcastCount 6857579
								uint64 UnicastBytes 48087569690
								uint64 UnicastCount 216946998
			declare Traffic
				declare RecvTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 4385488684
					uint64 BroadcastCount 69751860
					uint64 UnicastBytes 343489567768
					uint64 UnicastCount 561766241
				declare SendTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 1449144085
					uint64 BroadcastCount 20455266
					uint64 UnicastBytes 343967374539
					uint64 UnicastCount 573361710
	declare VirtualLayer3SwitchList


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# OpenVPN 2.0 Sample Configuration File
# for PacketiX VPN / SoftEther VPN Server
# This configuration file is auto-generated. You might use this config file
# in order to connect to the PacketiX VPN / SoftEther VPN Server.
# However, before you try it, you should review the descriptions of the file
# to determine the necessity to modify to suitable for your real environment.
# If necessary, you have to modify a little adequately on the file.
# For example, the IP address or the hostname as a destination VPN Server
# should be confirmed.
# Note that to use OpenVPN 2.0, you have to put the certification file of
# the destination VPN Server on the OpenVPN Client computer when you use this
# config file. Please refer the below descriptions carefully.

# Specify the type of the layer of the VPN connection.
# To connect to the VPN Server as a "Remote-Access VPN Client PC",
#  specify 'dev tun'. (Layer-3 IP Routing Mode)
# To connect to the VPN Server as a bridging equipment of "Site-to-Site VPN",
#  specify 'dev tap'. (Layer-2 Ethernet Bridgine Mode)

dev tun

# Specify the underlying protocol beyond the Internet.
# Note that this setting must be correspond with the listening setting on
# the VPN Server.
# Specify either 'proto tcp' or 'proto udp'.

proto tcp

# The destination hostname / IP address, and port number of
# the target VPN Server.
# You have to specify as 'remote <HOSTNAME> <PORT>'. You can also
# specify the IP address instead of the hostname.
# Note that the auto-generated below hostname are a "auto-detected
# IP address" of the VPN Server. You have to confirm the correctness
# beforehand.
# When you want to connect to the VPN Server by using TCP protocol,
# the port number of the destination TCP port should be same as one of
# the available TCP listeners on the VPN Server.
# When you use UDP protocol, the port number must same as the configuration
# setting of "OpenVPN Server Compatible Function" on the VPN Server.

# Note: The below hostname is came from the Dynamic DNS Client function
#       which is running on the VPN Server. If you don't want to use
#       the Dynamic DNS hostname, replace it to either IP address or
#       other domain's hostname.

remote *** 1194

# The HTTP/HTTPS proxy setting.
# Only if you have to use the Internet via a proxy, uncomment the below
# two lines and specify the proxy address and the port number.
# In the case of using proxy-authentication, refer the OpenVPN manual.

;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port]

# The encryption and authentication algorithm.
# Default setting is good. Modify it as you prefer.
# When you specify an unsupported algorithm, the error will occur.
# The supported algorithms are as follows:
#  auth:   SHA SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 MD5 MD4 RMD160

cipher AES-128-CBC
auth SHA1

# Other parameters necessary to connect to the VPN Server.
# It is not recommended to modify it unless you have a particular need.

resolv-retry infinite
verb 3
#redirect-gateway def1

# The certificate file of the destination VPN Server.
# The CA certificate file is embedded in the inline format.
# You can replace this CA contents if necessary.
# Please note that if the server certificate is not a self-signed, you have to
# specify the signer's root certificate (CA) here.


# The client certificate file (dummy).
# In some implementations of OpenVPN Client software
# (for example: OpenVPN Client for iOS),
# a pair of client certificate and private key must be included on the
# configuration file due to the limitation of the client.
# So this sample configuration file has a dummy pair of client certificate
# and private key as follows.



Posts: 1517
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:31 am

Re: Throughput Issues

Post by solo » Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:44 pm

There are Ubuntu issues on your 9787, update to Build 9798 RTM. If still unresolved upgrade to DE which fixes many Linux problems. Test it with SE, not OVPN client.

If still unresolved, temporarily disable the cascade and SecNAT, then test it on a bridged VPN.

Posts: 289
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:10 pm

Re: Throughput Issues

Post by shakibamoshiri » Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:09 am

There are many factors affecting a VPN speed that make it hard to correctly test.

First do to believe ISP or Web Hosting claiming X speed they have, ALWAYS test it

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curl -s | python -
Second do not test with a specific client. VPN clients decrease the speed down to 10% ~ 50% (sometimes)
Use "iperf3" tool "vpncmd" throughput test or other tools
A good web application for test is cloud-flare speed test -- do NOT use

Yet there are more factors which you can find/check reading articles about VPN speed

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