Updating SoftEther

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Updating SoftEther

Post by PickleF » Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:47 pm

from what I gathered, SoftEther VPN Server for Linux can only be updated by manually downloading and replacing files.

However, when I go into the VPN Client and the VPN Server Manager on Windows, then on the menu toolbar Help -> About... (for the Client) or just clicking About SoftEther VPN... (for the Server Manager) there is an option named "Configure Updates" which has "Enable Update Check" on by default. However, in my several months of using it, I never once saw a notification of there being an update available (even though there were) or the program downloading an update. What gives?

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Re: Updating SoftEther

Post by shakibamoshiri » Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:10 pm

Not sure but as I used it on Windows, it does not have auto update (= check + download + reinstall)
At most it gives a notification update which will be for official releases and since both Stable and Dev did not have official new releases could be the reason why you did not get any notifications.

Hope someone gives more accurate answer.

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Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:17 pm

Re: Updating SoftEther

Post by PickleF » Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:36 pm

Thanks for the reply.

Your explanation sounds plausible for why there weren't any notifications. However, I wasn't aware the builds offered here weren't official. Who makes them, then? I don't see any indication of the builds not being official.

Also, just a clarification as to what you said about manually updating - you don't actually have to uninstall the old version and install the new one each time, you can just run the installation for the new version normally, without having uninstalled the previous one and it will upgrade it.

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