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My Google Cloud Engine VM can't ping

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:47 am
by johnsonsh
Hi Everyone,

I am blocked by GFW, and I can connect to my Google Cloud Engine VM through SSR successfully in a low delay about 50ms.

But I can't ping the HK sever, the SoftEther VPN Gate Client says Code 2 or Code 3, why? Is it because the HK server banned my GCE ip?

Somebody please help me.

大家好,我的GCE实例可以正常连接正常科学上网,延迟也很低,昨天也可以通过GCE(SSR本地1080端口),在SoftEther VPN Client中连接香港服务器219.79.200.179,但今天就不行了,一直错误提示2或者3,怎么回事?是服务器屏蔽了我的GCE外部ip吗?