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SoftEther on windows server 2003 in VM Redirect all Traffic

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:21 pm
by danymogh
****I know this question has already been asked but I'm looking for the windows solution***

I recently ran into this software and it looks great and definitely better than OpenVpn.
I set it up successfully and i can connect to it with no problem. the only thing i can't seem to find is how to redirect all traffic so that even my IP becomes the Server IP and use the server internet connection.

I'm using Windows server 2003 in a VPS and it's in a Virtual Machine.

Somebody posted something about an IPtable command in linux but that doesn't work in windows. what should i do about it in windows ?

PS: This is what I'm about to do according to softether but the page doesn't specify how ... k_Anywhere

Re: SoftEther on windows server 2003 in VM Redirect all Traf

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:24 pm
by danymogh
ok I found my own solution.
I didn't use the normal mode because it seemed i needed to setup DHCP server , instead i used SecureNAT BUT even when i did it i couldn't get the internet to route.

after searching i found out that the VPS physical adapter (in this case virtual) was using assigned IP and DNS so i had to change the 2nd Virtual DNS of softether SecureNAT to the one VPS was using.

after connecting again i got a message saying your assigned IP is 192.168.X.X and all was working.