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VPN Server behind firewall, no port forwarding

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:40 pm
by alexthered88
I read that SoftEther VPN Server can be used behind a firewall without having to set up port forwarding. It is supposed to use something called UDP Hole Punching. I could not get it to work. Do I have to do something in the configuration to turn this on or is it on by default?

I also tested it with VPN-Azure feature and it works but this is only for Windows (SSTP protocol) and I am trying to use SoftEther for my Android phone which only supports L2TP/IPSec.

I am behind two firewalls, one of which I have no control over. The main firewall that connects to the Internet is managed by my apartment complex and I do not have any access to. It has a direct connection to the Internet and a LAN IP address Then another firewall/router which is the one in my house that I do control with an IP address of on the WAN side and my own subnet 192.168.0.x that it routes for.

Thank you.

Picture of my network is attached:

I am running SoftEther on my PC inside my LAN at IP address (not shown in the picture).

Re: VPN Server behind firewall, no port forwarding

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:16 pm
by alexthered88
With the DDNS IP, neither L2TP/IPsec nor SSTP works. Nothing in the logs so I believe no traffic is getting past the firewalls to the VPN Server.

With the DDNS IP, L2TP/IPsec does not work, but SSTP does (have to turn on SecureNAT). Why doesn't support L2TP/IPsec as it would solve the Android/iOS compatibility issue?