My hosting provider alerted me to this:-
I am running this:-We were made notified by the National Cyber Security Center - early awareness program that there are potential vulnerabilities in your setup.
For details please see below:
IP Address : xxx
Details : This host is most likely offering an VPN service, which may be vulnerable to a IKEv1 information disclosure vulnerability.
Product Name |SoftEther VPN Server (64 bit)
Version |Version 4.43 Build 9799 (English)
Build |Compiled 2023/08/31 10:50:49 by buildsan at crosswin with OpenSSL 3.0.9
Host Name |vpn
Server Type |Standalone Server
Type of Operating System |Linux
Product Name of Operating System|Linux
Operating System Vendor |Unknown Vendor
Operating System Version |Unknown Linux Version
Type of OS Kernel |Linux Kernel
Version of OS Kernel |Linux Kernel
Can anyone advise me as to whether this is a genuine concern and if so, what I can do about it?
Many thanks in advance.