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[root@localhost vpnclient]# ./vpncmd
vpncmd command - SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility
SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command)
Version 4.41 Build 9782 (English)
Compiled 2022/11/17 16:36:25 by buildsan at crosswin with OpenSSL 3.0.7
Copyright (c) 2012-2022 SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved.
By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved.
1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge
2. Management of VPN Client
3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool)
Select 1, 2 or 3: 2
Specify the host name or IP address of the computer that the destination VPN Client is operating on.
If nothing is input and Enter is pressed, connection will be made to localhost (this computer).
Hostname of IP Address of Destination:
Connected to VPN Client "localhost".
VPN Client>AccountList
AccountList command - Get List of VPN Connection Settings
Item |Value
VPN Connection Setting Name |vpnhyg
Status |Connecting
VPN Server Hostname | (Direct TCP/IP Connection)
Virtual Hub |HYG
Virtual Network Adapter Name|vpn_hyg
The command completed successfully.