Limit Max VPN Sessions

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Limit Max VPN Sessions

Post by rmaf » Fri May 21, 2021 5:34 pm

I posted in SoftEther VPN Forum, but with no answer. So I try here.

I want to limit the number of VPN clients sessions on my VPN gate server. The idea is to offer more bandwidth to less clients.

I tried to use the option "Limit Max VPN Sessions" but I get the message "Unacceptable operation. Use the VPN Gate Control Panel to change the VPN Gate Relay Server settings."
I don't know what is the "VPN Gate Control Panel". I tried also using vpncmd, but I get the same error message.

My installation (Windows 8.1) was as follows: (1) Install SoftEther VPN Server, (2) Install SoftEther Client + Vpn Gate plugin, (3) Enable VPN Gate Relay Service from SoftEher Server.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

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