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from Dec 31th,we cann't log into vpngate from China why/?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:15 am
by aaa111
from Dec 31th,we cann't log into vpngate from China why/?

Re: from Dec 31th,we cann't log into vpngate from China why/

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:10 pm
by BoredAus
Probably it is to do with the great firewall from your government. Afterall, they have tried to block people residing in China from trying to bypass the GFW for quite sometime.

This case may be temporary but only time will tell.

Re: from Dec 31th,we cann't log into vpngate from China why/

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:28 am
by aaa111
do u know what mechanism of great fire wall?
I mean that there is no way (or lower possibility) to block every personal vpn except there r lots of people who watch new vpn to add on and block it in black list or use white list,right?

Re: from Dec 31th,we cann't log into vpngate from China why/

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:27 am
by BoredAus
Prof. Daiyuu Nobori - the professor whom created the likes of SoftEther and VPN Gate along with others demonstrated what the Chinese government tried to do initially to counteract Chinese people bypassing GFW. Needless to say that the demonstration was only with the use of VPN Gate software and services. How the Chinese government tried to combat against it initially was presented in the Usenix conference last year, which a link to the video was made available on VPN Gate's twitter page. These days it could be anyone's guess as to how the Chinese government is blocking its citizens from bypassing.

On the VPN Gate website where it lists the volunteer VPN servers, there is a link to 'Recent VPN activity status worldwide'. You can see in the last fair few minutes from that list of recent VPN activity status worldwide there still are Chinese people using VPN Gate servers and that under the 'Traffic' column it indicates those sessions are in use. That may clearly indicate that there are ways around it.