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DNS Leak from Tsukuba only

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:48 pm
by Hime
I use the connection from this Japan operator (Tsukuba) a lot and its works well, but lately i found out that this operator VPN server is often blocked (used to be not blocked), so i google it and hit the topic of DNS leak. i perform the DNS leak testing from and find that this server got dns leak problem.

i try to perform any kind of fix that i can found on google but it can not fix it, (flushing DNS, static IP, disabling DHCP). so i figure that the problem are on Tsukuba side, so i only can try to get this problem noticed by Tsukuba for now.

if there is something i miss please tell me, i will try any advice

note: i try to get other Japan operator, and they working well without problem

here some test result
VPN by Tsukuba none So-net Entertainment Corporation Japan none Google Singapore none So-net Entertainment Corporation Japan none Google China none Google Belgium none Google Belgium none Google China none Google Taiwan none Google Belgium none Google Belgium none Google China none Google China none Google Taiwan none Google Belgium none Google Belgium none Google China none Google China none Google China none Google Belgium none Google Taiwan none Google Belgium none Google Taiwan Google Belgium Google China

VPN by random PC owner on JP Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan Open Computer Network Japan

What do the results of this test mean?
If you are connected to a VPN service and ANY of the servers listed above are not provided by the VPN service then you have a DNS leak and are choosing to trust the owners of the above servers with your private data.

if i`m on JP VPN i supposed to be on JP only (like the VPN by random PC owner on JP) not around the world, aside from that i not even in one of those country

Re: DNS Leak from Tsukuba only

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:01 am
by BoredAus
The website you mentioned clearly has information on what DNS leaks are:

I am sure even wikipedia could provide information on what is DNS in general. All it does is that it resolves mostly machine unreadable English names to IP addresses or simply put:

Client: Where does 'John' live?
Server: 'John' lives at 12 some st, someplace
(Client then visits 'John' without any further communication to the server until there is a need to)

In actual case of computers it would be more like this:
Client: What is the IP of
DNS Server: The IP address of is
(Client connects to as it is resolved as without any further communication to the DNS server for this instance)

The output you have presented are what Tsukuba and the other host provider uses for DNS servers. Tsukuba it appears uses Google DNS whereas the other host provider uses whatever that is supplied by their ISP/backbone/provider/etc.

Whilst DNS is probably an eye sore for really paranoid people however the case you have presented here is really a non-existant issue. In the case of using Tsukuba, your IP address is already masked as a Japanese IP address, if you were to visit a website say Your machine would query Google DNS for the IP address of and then visits that IP. Google DNS would only have the information of: Your VPN IP, Your DNS request, timestamp (if need be). Google DNS would however, not know your real IP address considering you are using VPN and that your connection is directed through VPN.

The same website ( I think is exaggerating too much for those who aren't particularly network savvy. Remember, DNS servers only tells IP address, they cannot see what sort of data you want to transreceive between your computer and the IP address that you want to visit ultimately.

Aside from minor privacy issue being Google's public DNS servers, their servers are generally fairly redundant. If a DNS server goes down on some home user's connection, they cannot visit for instance because the computer does not know the actual IP address. So the use of Google DNS here is fairly appropriate.

I would oppose trying to fix this non-existant DNS leak problem as it may ultimately land you into using your ISP's DNS servers if they are available. Besides, if DNS poisoning does occur the worst that can happen is you being directed to some malware site.

Re: DNS Leak from Tsukuba only

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:00 pm
by Hime
Thanks for the reply,
its not that i`m paranoid anyway, but that not explaining why i get blocked lately, used to be no problem at all.

While searching the possible problem of why getting blocked when connecting to the VPN that DNS leak is what i hit on Google, it started about a month ago i think on about that range of time i notice on this forum that a few people get a problem to connecting, so i kinda assuming that Tsukuba is actually change something on their server to get the problem fixed, but that change making another problem.

note: some site can be accessed normally now, hope there will be no more problem soon :)

Re: DNS Leak from Tsukuba only

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:07 am
by BoredAus
Although 'blocking' could mean many potential reasons other than just to probably fix up issues. It could mean things like the server is actually offline due to maintenance/error of some sort, there is an issue with the connectivity between you and the server, or it might also be that the server is overloaded with connections and you cannot get on. In short there are myriads of potential reasons.

There are no real fix if it is the server-side problem or network problem, you are probably better off trying other volunteer hosts.