Desktop Shortcut (Windows) or command-line invoker

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Desktop Shortcut (Windows) or command-line invoker

Post by ZEE » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:18 pm

How can I create a desktop shortcut for the current connection of VPNGate
(current host)


how to open a connection to a specific VPNGate host
from command-line (indicating host/port/hub/auth-type/username/...)
(the objective is to create a script with a specific connection)

the solution I've been using is to connect to a VPNGate server
then copy the data to a new standard connection...
and then create the desktop shortcut the 'usual' way
(this works but it is a little cumbersome...
and it would be nice to have a sort os 'internal' VPNGate-DDNS
so we could stay away from the casual server-IP changes...)

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