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Openvpn private key for two softehter servers

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:27 am
by alarma
Hi, need your support. I have 2 softether servers. On both enabled openvpn connection. I generate user config. But on different servers they random.
I find some settings in vpn_server.config (linux) It have 2 options , byte ServerCert and byte ServerKey, I copy that to another server config. But openvpn client don't connect. I compare client config from servers, they different. Only (ca) section is both. Why I need that.
I want that both servers have same client.ovp file. Then I use option remote XXX.XX.XX.XX and point it to two different softether servers.
When one is down, client reconnect to another. I know that softether have cluster mode. But! they have bottleneck in controller. Connected to slave vpn servers don't permitted. You must connect to only one controller, but if they down, your system with thouthands vpn servers don't work!
I looked in softether client and don't find setting if one account - server down, reconnect to another.
Please could you help me configure vpn servers to have one client.ovp file. Generating server cert pair. Or how to configure softether client to reconnect to another server after first down.

Re: Openvpn private key for two softehter servers

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:38 am
by alarma
hm. copying directives from one first vpn_server.config to another solve problem. or copying whole config.
byte ServerCert xxxxxxx
byte ServerKey xxxxxxx

They don't work in my first post because on second vpnserver don't work dhcp server.
I add to ovpn file some directives:
remote XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 1194
remote XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY 1194
keepalive 5 15 (this directive enchance time on reconnect to another server. first number is how often ping server, second number is after which time if no recieved ping message mark channel is down and connect to another server if specified)
auth-user-pass "pwd/rekey.conf" (this directive help don't enter user credentials every time, but you must create file pwd/rekey.conf where you enter your username and password)

Re: Openvpn private key for two softehter servers

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:03 am
by thisjun
Did you change the VPN server config after stopping the VPN server service?
If not, the changing isn't applied to the VPN server.